Electrical Installation Condition Reporting: Virgin Atlantic maintenance crew rest areas, Heathrow.
We were instructed by Cofely on behalf of Virgin Atlantic to inspect the electrical installations within the maintenance crew rest areas which are situated airside, Terminal 3, Heathrow Airport
Our brief was simple, carry out all testing, keep out of the way and try not to disrupt the crew rest breaks.
This is a secure area and the airport is rightly very security consious. Engineers had to pass through airpoirt screening and security with tools and equipment required to complete the work.
Circuit testing was performed on all circuits within the rest areas and we did our best to keep the crew informed and happy.
Where possible detailed testing of every circuit was completed and the client was provided with both PDF and bound copies of the test results.
Obviously security clearance was required for our staff to work within this area. This was obtained with little or no difficulty due to the stringent employment checks L&C already has in place.